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A Little Bit Of Christmas Sewing

Hi Sewists

So I didn’t get time to sew as much as I’d have liked for Christmas this year. But that doesn’t mean ‘no sewing’! I managed to get a few small gifts done, some from patterns and some made up patterns. The made up patterns could take a little refinement, but I’ll give you the details if you fancy having a go.

I also wrote a post for Britex Fabrics a month or so ago which has just been published. I’m writing about making men’s underwear again… but this time I’ve compared three patterns: Thread Theory Comox Trunks, Freesewing Bruce Boxers and the Ottobre Family Magazine Boxers – they sent me some lovely jersey and elastic to make them with as part of their guest-blogger program. If you want to read how I got on, click Here!

Next up, the Thread Theory bifold wallet. I made a few of these to take along for my nephews on my Thanksgiving trip. I’ve been using one myself for a while now too and it’s holding up really well. It’s a quick and satisfying make, but the real revelation was washable paper!! I’m still yet to really let-rip (as it were) with this stuff – I’ve got all sorts of plans from the mundane to the ridiculous – but here are the wallets in case you missed them…

I drafted these little coin purse wallets for two of my nieces as well. I washed the paper (in the machine, no detergent, 30°) twice before I made these and the paper feels great. It’s getting softer and a little bit of a nap to it, making it feel and look much more leathery.

Inspired by the bifold wallet, these came together pretty easily once I’d decided on the design. Here’s the measurements (in centimetres – no seam allowance needed) …

And it was just a little bit of origami to put it together…

  1. Topstitch the top edge (and attach the closures)
  2. Fold the right flap and the extension over first. Then fold the left flap over the top (with the extension left behind) sew the outside edges (catch the right flap in the fold of the left)
  3. Push the top sections over to the right and stitch the edges.
  4. Fold the side flaps inward and position everything correctly then stitch up the bottom.

I also drew up a design for a clutch/ make-up bag which I made a couple of. One in denim for my works ‘secret santa’ and another in some of the leftover gold velvet curtains I used for my refashioners project this year.

Again, once I’d decided on the shape and design (based on a bank statement envelope… it was what I had available to draw on!) they came together relatively painlessly!

The measurements are in centimetres and don’t include seam allowance. Fold your paper into quarters to find the centre. Then draw the shape in the top right corner, then fold carefully and trace off the three other sides. That way it’ll all match up nicely. Mark the position of your hardware, add some seam allowance and cut out one each of main fabric, lining and two of interfacing.

  • The one that really took a few evenings was the hat. My nieces that we’re spending Christmas with have set the challenge to wear a handmade badge or hat at the table for Christmas dinner. After my recent success with the (free!) Elbe Bucket Hat, I thought I’d just ‘whip-up’ another one, in black, and embroider a few stars on it… so I did that… then I found some beads, so I added a few of those…
  • Then I ended up doing a cityscape around the stand…

    … and then I decided to wire it up with some fairy lights…!

    So in the end it took about two weeks of borrowed time to get it finished, but I couldn’t be happier with it!

    Hopefully the bulbs won’t blow or my hair catch fire and it should be a great fun Christmas!

    Whatever you have planned over the holidays, I wish you the happiest of times, and of course…

    Happy Sewing!

    Notes to self;

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