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Snaps, Straps & Stitches!

Usually when I’m making a bag, I’ll start by obsessing about it all evening… First I’ll sketch it, then think what size it should be. Draw it again, maybe on the iPad, and colour it in. Then I’ll draw each ‘face’ and if it has pockets, flaps, zips, studs etc. I’ll think about what order it’ll go together in, if it’ll be lined or will I bind the edges…?

… Then I really have to focus to work out exactly how many pieces are needed (usually a lot, and I usually forget a few pocket linings or something and have to cut them out of scraps!).

In the morning I always think it’s going to be a quicker make than it is and it’ll take me all day… it’ll be 9pm and I’ll be hungry and un-washed and exhausted … but I’ll have a bag!

These are some of the important lessons I have learned from my bagmaking escapades :

  1. Bags can get thick at the seams very quickly, especially when quilting too. Nine or more layers. So choose your fabric wisely and make sure your needle and machine are up to it.
  2. Make a pattern or write your formula down clearly. The last thing you want to do when it comes to replicating your success is have to start from square 1 again.
  3. How many pieces? Check and double check that you have calculated all the pieces you need, lining, pocket linings, tabs, zip flaps, welts, wadding… they can really add up!
  4. Haberdashery. Sketch your finished bag and have a look at some existing ones to work out the straps and what fixtures & closures you need: d-rings, lobster-claws, key-holder, zips, webbing, magnets…?

To make the pattern, look at the sketch you have done and decide where the seams will be. Will it be lined? Bagged out or underlined? How will you finish any exposed seams… serging, binding…? All these things will be important when you plan the order of construction. I’m my (limited) experience this is similar for most bags, but different with every bag! So depending on your preference, design, seam finish etc the construction order can vary widely. Think it through thoroughly before you start.

Previous bags:

Quilted Velvet Backpack 

Winter Backpack 

Cousin M’s Everywhere Bag

Holiday Bags (Variations on Cousins M’s Bag)

Ukulele Bag

Clutch-Bag/ Scissor Pouch

Gentlemans Wallet (Not a bag, or my own design, but here I explain how I attach the twist closures & magnet snaps)

As a general rule I loosely follow these steps:

  1. Make and attach all the pockets, tabs, flaps, pen holders, straps & loops first. Anything that gets put onto a larger piece. (Put the closures on the flaps first then line up with the pockets.)
  2. Assemble the outer and lining, separately if bagging out – together if underlining.
  3. Attach or create the base incorporating tabs or straps.
  4. Join at the opening and turn through the base of the lining (if bagging out) or sew together and bind or serge the raw edges.

This is how I took this bag from idea to reality.


 … Reality!

From my sketch I worked out the pieces I would need:

Front & Back

Back Pouch – 

Top Flap –

Top Flap Zip Cover

Base* – 

Top Flap Pocket Lining – 

Front Pocket Flap – 


Inside tabs – 



Hardware –

(I’m sure everyone does this already, but I learned the hard way to cut any quilted pieces* bigger than needed and cut to size after they’ve been quilted!)

 I think I have enough magnet-snaps for the meantime…

I’ve been collecting bag supplies for a while now and have assembled quite a selection. I’ve decided to use quite a few of them on this bag. Some might say too many. But I wanted to give it a go anyway! Don’t think you have to have a big cache of hardware to make a bag though, most of these closures and fixtures could be replaced with buttons and d-rings.



Top Flap.

Front Pocket.


Back Pouch.



Main construction.

Fold and position a strip of webbing to the raw edge of the Top Flap as a carry handle. Baste in place.

Baste the raw ends of the straps (right side down) on top of the carry handle.

Baste 2 lining tabs with Lobster Clips to the inside of the Back.

Position the raw edge of the flap inside the top of the Back piece.

Use a strip of webbing on the inside to cover the raw seams at the join.

(Burn the raw ends of the webbing to prevent fraying. )

Lay the front on the back and mark positions for Magnet Snaps.

Reach inside and attach them to the main fabric only.

French seam the front to the back by first sewing together at the side seams with right sides facing outwards. Sew at 5mm.

Trim, turn and press. Sew again from the lining side at 1cm to conceal the raw edges.

Mark the position for the Twist Closures on the Front piece.

Reach up inside to attach them to the main fabric only.

With the base right side round and the main bag inside out, pin the base inside the bottom of the bag, matching the corners.

Sew the base on and finish the seam with bias binding or zigzag stitch.

As the bag got thicker, my modern machine started to feel the strain a bit and was skipping stitches. I had to switch to my vintage machine to finish some of the bulkier seams which has left it a bit scrappy in places. That’s the price I pay for choosing denim as my main fabric and fleece to pad it out! Think carefully about your fabrics and how much your machine can handle before you start out.

Once I’d worked out how to finish the straps (I am perhaps a little guilty of over-designing the ‘strap furniture’!) I’m really happy with the finished bag! 

It’s my first concertina pocket… I love it and I think the silver closures raise it up a bit, although it would look great in a more relaxed style with jeans buttons and exposed metal zip.

The whole bag feels really sturdy. It’s lined in white nylon so it’s really easy to scrabble about inside and find what you’re looking for. You could add inside patch pockets, but I think the outside pockets are enough. I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that the more pockets I have, the more pockets I have to go through before I find what I’m looking for!

So, if you fancy a bit of stash-busting… why not make a bag?!

Happy sewing!

Notes to self:

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